Category Archives: Quarterly Meetings

MHNA Meeting on April 20

MHNA’s quarterly meeting is this Thursday (April 20) at 6:30 p.m. at the Northwest Community Center on Franklin Avenue. Here is some of what’s slated:

-Business spotlight: University Vacuum (formerly Windsor Vacuum)
-Updates from Hillis Elementary School staff
-Polk County Treasurer Mary Wells
-Merle Hay Corridor Plan update from Chris Albrecht of Bolton & Menk
-Public safety updates from MHNA’s Neighborhood Based Service Delivery Officer

Please join us and bring a neighbor!

MHNA’s Annual Meeting on Jan. 19

Please join the Merle Hay Neighborhood Association for its annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 19 at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. We plan to be joined by Stephanie Murphy from the Neighborhood Finance Corp. to hear the latest about home lending opportunities (some forgivable!) in our neighborhood. We also hope to receive an update on the Merle Hay Corridor Study, and we’re working on having a neighborhood business join us to tell us a little about their business and answer questions.

We’ll also have public safety updates, President April Wyss’s annual report, neighborhood news, and officer and board elections. As always, we welcome ideas and
suggestions from residents and businesses on what we should focus on in 2023. Feedback may be submitted in advance by email to
Please mark your calendars and invite your neighbors!

MHNA’s 2022 Meeting Dates

Please mark your calendars for MHNA’s 2022 membership meetings! MHNA meets on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. Here is a rundown of our 2022 meeting dates:

  • Thursday, January 20
  • Thursday, April 21
  • Thursday, July 21
  • Thursday, October 20. *6 p.m. start for our annual supper.