Category Archives: Quarterly Meetings

Annual Meeting on Jan. 18 + 2024 Officer and Board Elections

The Merle Hay Neighborhood Association will hold its annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 18 at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. The meeting will include board and committee updates, the president’s annual report, public safety updates, and more. We will announce guest speakers and other details as we get closer to January 18.

The annual meeting will also include elections for MHNA’s 2024 Board of Directors. Elections will be held for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and three board members.

If you are interested in running for an officer or board position, please send an email to Nominations will also be accepted from the floor when we meet on January 18. Membership dues must be current to run for a seat on the Board of Directors. Dues must also be current to vote. Please consider running for a seat to help serve OUR neighborhood!

MHNA membership is open to anyone who lives or owns a business within MHNA’s boundaries. Annual dues are payable at the annual meeting in January, or can be mailed to the association at: P.O. Box 13241, Des Moines, IA 50310.

Members may take part in MHNA decision-making on planning, development, zoning, infrastructure, streets and parks, beautification, and other community service and education projects, social events, and association business. Associate memberships are available to those outside MHNA’s boundaries, though associate members may not vote on MHNA business.

Membership rates are as follows: $10 for a church, school, or other non-profit; $15 for an individual; $30 for a couple; and $30 for a business.

Annual Supper and Quarterly Meeting on Oct. 19

The Merle Hay Neighborhood Association will host its annual supper and quarterly meeting on Thursday, October 19 at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. The supper will get underway at 6 p.m. with the meeting following at 6:30 p.m.

We expect to be joined by staff from the City of Des Moines Engineering Department, who will update us on the next steps with the Merle Hay Corridor Plan. We’ll also have neighborhood news, public safety updates, and more.

We will have more details to share as we get closer to the meeting. Please plan to join us on October 19 and invite your neighbors!

Quarterly Meeting on July 20 & National Night Out on Aug. 1

Here are details for MHNA’s upcoming events this summer. Please make plans to join us. All are welcome!

MHNA Quarterly Meeting on July 20 – Our Namesake’s Birthday!

Please join MHNA for our next quarterly meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 20 at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave. The meeting happens to fall on the birthdate of Pvt. Merle D. Hay, the first Iowan killed in World War I. We can think of no better way to honor Merle Hay’s service, sacrifice, and legacy than to come together to work on ways to make our neighborhood and city stronger and better for everyone.

We are still working out details, but we plan to spotlight a neighborhood business. We also plan to provide updates on the recently completed Merle Hay Corridor Plan.

As always, we will have public safety updates, neighborhood news, committee updates, and information on how you can help out around the neighborhood. And don’t forget, we’ll have REFRESHMENTS!

National Night Out on August 1

Please join the Merle Hay Neighborhood Association for our annual observance of National Night Out, America’s night out against crime, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1 at the Northwest Community Center, 5110 Franklin Ave.

There will be games and crafts for kids, family-friendly entertainment, door prizes, and great tips and information from public safety personnel about how to safeguard you, your loved ones, and your property. Cold refreshments and snacks will be provided!

National Night Out is a great way to meet your neighbors and learn more about safety within your home and while you’re out and about. Please help spread the word! We look forward to having a great turnout. Contact April Wyss at 515-707-6386 to volunteer, donate, or have a booth. We can always use more helping hands, so please consider volunteering!

MHNA Meeting on April 20

MHNA’s quarterly meeting is this Thursday (April 20) at 6:30 p.m. at the Northwest Community Center on Franklin Avenue. Here is some of what’s slated:

-Business spotlight: University Vacuum (formerly Windsor Vacuum)
-Updates from Hillis Elementary School staff
-Polk County Treasurer Mary Wells
-Merle Hay Corridor Plan update from Chris Albrecht of Bolton & Menk
-Public safety updates from MHNA’s Neighborhood Based Service Delivery Officer

Please join us and bring a neighbor!